==> Republicans
: The Party of corporate values, and financial imbecility... of, for, beholden to, and managed by, the obscenely wealthy.

...( motto: "Quagmires 'R Us" )


Saturday, August 23, 2008

One From Column A, One From Column B

Mix and Match game: pair up a term from Column A with an appropriately associated term from Column B


1. G.W. Bush
2. D. Perino
3. R. Limbaugh
4. J. McCain
5. Dick Morris
6. D. Cheney
7. J. Corsi
8. B. O'Reilly
9. K. Rove
10. A. Coulter


1. Meathead
2. Moron
3. Wingnut
4. Beelzebub
5. Wacko
6. Simpleton
7. Shyster
8. Clown prince
9. Buffoon
10 Schlockmeister

(p.s... there are no wrong answers)